We recently participated in an online seminar about using
Community Commons is an interactive mapping, networking, and learning utility for the broad-based healthy, sustainable, and livable communities’ movement. Registered users have FREE access to:
§ Over 7000 GIS data layers at state, county, zip code, block group, tract, and point-levels.
§ Contextualized mapping, visualization, analytic, impact and communication tools and apps.
§ Searchable profiles of hundreds of place-based community initiatives (multi-sector collaboratives) working towards healthy/sustainable/livable/equitable communities - funded by government and private philanthropy - complete with text & video narratives on "what's working."
§ Peer learning forums in the "interactive commons" with colleagues exploring similar interests and challenges - hosted by leading national Technical Assistance providers.
The Commons is a democratized learning and innovation platform for:
§ enhancing the reach and impact of currently-funded place based investments;
§ applying an asset-based approach to help grow and sustain impact once the funding is over;
§ supporting communities of highest burden who neither have grant financing, nor cohorts.