Get on the Map!
We recently participated in an online seminar about using
We recently participated in an online seminar about using
Community Commons is an interactive mapping, networking, and learning utility for the broad-based healthy, sustainable, and livable communities’ movement. Registered users have FREE access to:
§ Over 7000 GIS data layers at state, county, zip code, block group, tract, and point-levels.
§ Contextualized mapping, visualization, analytic, impact and communication tools and apps.
§ Searchable profiles of hundreds of place-based community initiatives (multi-sector collaboratives) working towards healthy/sustainable/livable/equitable communities - funded by government and private philanthropy - complete with text & video narratives on "what's working."
§ Peer learning forums in the "interactive commons" with colleagues exploring similar interests and challenges - hosted by leading national Technical Assistance providers.
The Commons is a democratized learning and innovation platform for:
§ enhancing the reach and impact of currently-funded place based investments;
§ applying an asset-based approach to help grow and sustain impact once the funding is over;
§ supporting communities of highest burden who neither have grant financing, nor cohorts.
Community Commons is an initiative of Advancing the Movement, and powered by Institute for People, Place and Possibilities (IP3). In-kind and technical support has come from scores of individuals and organizations around the nation. Early financial support for Advancing the Movement and The Commons was made possible by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Kaiser Permanente, Ascension Health, the YMCA of the USA, The Convergence Partnership and IP3 (a partnership of Community Initiatives, the Center for Applied Research and Environmental Studies, and Transtria)